Seara Palatului Elisabeta, 27 octombrie 2003
Biroul Reprezentantului Special al Guvernului pentru Integrare, Cooperare si Dezvoltare Durabila
Palatul Elisabeta
Buletin de presa – 27 octombrie 2003
Serile Palatului Elisabeta, 27 octombrie 2003
Luni seara, la ora 19.30, a avut loc, in prezenta Majestatilor Lor Regele Mihai I si Regina Ana, precum si a ASR Principesa Margareta si AS Principele Radu, cea de-a treia Seara a Palatului Elisabeta, la care au fost invitate personalitati ale Centrului George C. Marshall din Germania, in frunte cu dr. John P. Rose, directorul Centrului, precum si reprezentanti ai Ministerului Apararii Nationale si ai Asociatiei George C. Marshall Romania.
In deschiderea receptiei, Majestatea Sa Regele Mihai a spus:
Doamnelor si Domnilor,
Bine ati venit la a treia Seara a Palatului Elisabeta, initiativa Familiei mele de a aduce impreuna reprezentanti ai societatii civile, jurnalisti, institutii internationale si toti cei care iau parte la procesul de integrare a Romaniei in NATO si Uniunea Europeana.
In aceasta seara, musafirii nostri sunt ofiteri americani, britanici, germani si romani, toti reuniti in jurul personalitatii si mostenirii morale a lui George C. Marshall. Imi face placere sa va spun bun venit si sa va marturisesc cat de fericit sunt ca sunteti din nou parteneri in procesul fundamental de crestere a stabilitatii, cooperarii si prosperitatii in lumea transatlantica.
In continuare, Principele Radu a adaugat:
Majestatile Voastre, Alteta Voastra Regala,
Domnule Secretar de Stat,
Domnilor generali si ofiteri,
Doamnelor si Domnilor,
Este un privilegiu sa va intalnim aici, in aceasta seara. Acum aproape cincizeci si sase de ani, atunci cand Majestatea Sa a trebuit sa paraseasca aceasta casa si sa lase Uniunea Sovietica sa puna mana complet pe Romania, Regele a fost invins. Dar nu si infrant. Astazi Regele Mihai I este din nou aici, promovand valorile transatlantice si intalnind ofiterii romani si americani, purtatorii legamantului lui George C. Marshall. Nu este numai o dovada de rabdare a Regelui in fata istoriei, este si un motiv de mandrie pentru Romania, care arata Europei si SUA ce inseamna continuitate de valori si de loialitate.
It is a privilege indeed to meet all of you here, tonight. It seems that His Majesty is more patient than History. Fifty-six years ago, when he had to leave this very house and the Soviet Union completely took over Romania, the King was defeated. But the King was not vanquished. After almost six decades, he is still here, living in the same rooms, promoting Western democratic values and fighting for Romania’s privileged place in the European and Atlantic family.
Not only is the King, as were his predecessors Ferdinand and Carol, marshal of the Romanian Army, but he is also a soldier in his soul. The women in our Family also stood bravely in the face of danger. Queen Marie was the Mother of the wounded, and a Colonel in chief of the Rosiori regiment, as was Queen Helen, my father in law’s mother. Queen Anne, my mother in law, was a soldier in World War Two, and was awarded La Croix de Guerre (The War Cross).
So, Your Majesty,
This evening is a great event. After so many years, the American, German and British officers and those who continue the legacy of the Marshall Plan are here, to pay their respect to you. Together with them, the Romanian officers, your fellows.
Dr Rose,
You came tonight to a King, to a soldier, and to one of the few personalities who met General Marshall in person. This happened at the White House, after the Iron Curtain fell. So, King Michael is indeed more patient than History.