Vizita la Zürich, Berna, Lausanne si Geneva, noiembrie 2002
Palatul Elisabeta, 27 noiembrie 2002
Biroul Reprezentantului Special al Guvernului pentru Integrare, Cooperare si Dezvoltare Durabila
Vizita de lucru a Reprezentantului Special al Guvernului, AS Principele Radu de Hohenzollern-Veringen, a debutat la Zürich pe data de 26 nov.2002, ora 11, cu o intalnire organizata la sediul Organizatiei Elvetiene pentru Facilitarea Investitiilor (SOFI). La aceasta masa rotunda organizata cu ocazia vizitei Principelui Radu, au participat reprezentanti ai Camerei de Comert Elvetia-Europa Centrala(SEC), ai Programului Elvetian pentru Pomovarea Importurilor(SIPPO), ai unor importante banci si companii elvetiene UBS AG, Trub AG, Credit Suisse Group, Zurcher Kantonalbank, ABB, precum si reprezentanti ai ambasadei Romaniei.
Dupa cuvantul de deschidere al AS Principele Radu, dialogul s-a purtat pe urmatoarele teme: mentinerea relatiilor economice si comerciale deja existente intre cele doua tari, stimularea acestora, identificarea de noi cai de cooperare in domeniul financiar-bancar precum si promovarea de investitii biunivoce.
La ora 16.00, AS Principele Radu s-a deplasat la sediul Ambasadei romane la Berna, unde s-a intalnit cu ambasadorul Romaniei, cu diplomatii si personalul ambasadei.
Pe data de 27 nov 2002, la ora 11.00, Reprezentantul Special a avut o intrevedere cu dl. Pascal Couchepin, Vicepresedinte al Confederatiei Elvetiene, Consilier Federal, Ministru al Economiei. Intalnirea a avut loc la Parlamentul Confederatiei (Curia Confederationis Helveticae) cu mai putin de o saptamana inainte dl. Couchepin sa devina Presedintele Confederatiei. Temele abordate au fost deosebit de variate, luandu-se in discutie situatia bancilor care investesc in Romania, extinderea NATO si restructurarea armatei, problema comunitatii rrome precum si posibilitatile de cooperare pe termen scurt, mediu si lung intre cele doua state.
Dupa-amiaza zilei de 27 nov. a fost dedicata unei vizite la Scoala Hoteliera de la Lausanne, una dintre cele mai prestigioase institutii de profil din lume. Alaturi de Reprezentantul Special au participat si doi profesori de la Universitatea de Stat din Brasov, subiectul luat in discutie fiind acela al unei colaborari intre cele doua parti, pentru imbunatatirea calitatii scolarizarii si serviciilor turistice in Romania si exploatarea corespunzatoare a potentialului turistic de care tara noastra dispune.
Ziua s-a incheiat cu o intalnire cu d-na Marianne Sebastien, Presedinta organizatiei umanitare „Voix libres”, la Geneva. Organizatia a fost fondata in 1993, si de pe urma actiunilor sale au beneficiat 300.000 de oameni in intreaga lume. Dialogul a fost purtat in sensul identificarii cailor de implementare a unor programe umanitare in Romania si a colaborarii intre „Voix libres”si organizatii similare din Romania.
In urmatoarele zile, Reprezentantul Special va vizita organizatii internationale din Geneva si va participa la celebrarea Zilei Nationale a Romaniei la Salonul Natiunilor de la „Intercontinental” Geneva.
Cuvantul AS Principele Radu de Hohenzollern-Veringen la Masa Rotunda organizata la Zürich:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a very special occasion indeed to talk today about my country. Romania’s Government and civil society, as well as its Army and the whole of the Romanian people have received with great satisfaction the decisions taken by the NATO summit in Prague last week; the decision to enlarge the Alliance represents the final chapter in the Cold War, and erases the division of our European continent.
The Romanian revolution in 1989, which tore down the communist dictatorship, has now achieved one o f its main objectives: t he return of our country to our historic destiny as a full member of the trans-Atlantic community of free states. This moment is therefore a triumph not only for all Romanians, but for all freedom-loving nations in Europe.
It is a pleasure to talk about the freedom-loving nations in Europe, here, in Switzerland. Not only your strong and stable democracy was always a model to our country, but when talking in Romania about prosperity, correctness and seriousness, liberty and respect for citizen, your country is always quoted and imagined as a model to be followed.
The image of our country overseas is not yet as good as we would like it to be, but it is changing for the better. Switzerland represents an important economic partner for Romania. We wish to strength the economical relationships and bring to our country a substantial presence of Swiss investors, which economical, financial and managerial potential is well known and wished for .
We also very mu ch appreciate the non-reimbursable assistance given by Switzerland to Romania. So are we satisfied with the excellent relationship between our countries inside the OSCE.
I would like to congratulate Switzerland for the quality of member of the United Nations and to mention that the relationship between our countries was also very good when Switzerland held the position of a observer. We would like to encourage more direct contacts between economic agents, to increase economic co-operation and to promote Swiss capital in Romanian privatisation.